Drug-Related Killings in the Marcos Administration
Year 2 (2023-2024)
Drug-related deaths in the second year of Marcos Jr.’s administration have exceeded those documented by the Dahas Project in the previous year. In our report covering July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024, we recorded 361 reported drug-related killings, compared to 342 killings in the year before that. State agents were responsible for 33.8% of the killings during the second year of Marcos Jr.’s drug war.
Drug-Related Killings in the Marcos Administration
Year 1 (2022-2023)
As of June 30, a year after Marcos was sworn into office, 342 have been killed in connection with illegal drugs. The number exceeds the 302 reported drug-related killings in the last year of the Duterte administration. This report breaks down these figures to assess how different, if at all, is the “war on drugs” under the new administration.