Violence, Human Rights, and Democracy in the Philippines
A multisectoral undertaking to produce, and subsequently disseminate, rigorous research outputs that can sustain an evidence-based intervention in ongoing public debates in the Philippines about violence and tendencies towards authoritarianism.

We first want to address what exactly is happening in localities before asking the question why a phenomenon is happening in these localities.

Variation Across Localities
Elaborating on what explains variation among multiple cases might potentially constitute one of the most important innovative analytical insights to this project.

Multidisciplinary Approach
We do not favor one particular research methodology over another but instead adopt a multidisciplinary research approach.
Case Studies
The research introduces 11 case studies based on the deployment and experiences of violence in different localities across the country, as well as the creation of a database in counting the dead from Duterte’s war on drugs.
Segregating Lives, Recycling Violence: Examining the Local Dynamics of Rodrigo Duterte’s Drug War in Barangay Payatas
Abstract Using the experience of Barangay Payatas under Duterte’s drug war, the study examines the continuity of violence as it manifests in a local community and as against the backdrop of state formation, rejecting the notion that violence is distributed equally...
Struggling Women in the Face of Tokhang: A Feminist Action Research on the Women Victim-Survivors in Duterte’s Drug War in Bulacan
When Tokhang was implemented by Duterte, he [my husband] surrendered to the police. He underwent community-based rehabilitation and was eventually released. There were three policemen who went to our house, even though he already surrendered, the police still went to...
The War on Drugs, The Abra Story
Abstract The drug situation in the province of Abra has been the subject of vacillating narratives.From being reported as having the worst case in its region in July 2016, to being, albeitunofficially, declared as drug-free just six-months into the Duterte...
Tokhang in North Caloocan: Weaponizing Local Governance, Social Disarticulation, and Community Resistance
(This is an edited excerpt from a case study written by the author for the project, “Violence, Human Rights, and Democracy in the Philippines.” The project is a joint undertaking by the Third World Studies Center, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University...
Dissent and Its Consequences under the Duterte Administration: The Cebu Experience
Abstract Rampant repression and persecution, oftentimes violent, underscore the response of the Duterte administration towards dissidents. Documentation of these incidences, however, has hardly included narratives from the Visayas region. Centering on the province of...
The Subnational Dynamics of the War on Drugs: The Case of Iloilo City
Abstract Uncovering the factors contributing to the spike of violent law enforcement in the Duterteadministration requires a research that carefully combines both structural and contextuallevels of analysis. The study analyzes the subnational political dynamics of the...
Factors and Forces That Led to The Marawi Debacle
(This is an excerpt from a case study written by the author for the project, “Violence, Human Rights, and Democracy in the Philippines.” The project is a joint undertaking by the Third World Studies Center, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the...
The Manobo Community of Han-ayan: Enduring Continuities and Changes in Militarization
(On December 4, 2019 Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana was quoted in media reports that he is not recommending to President Rodrigo Duterte the extension of martial law in Mindanao. The original declaration was made by President Duterte on May 23, 2017 in response to...
Mirroring Duterte
by Karol Ilagan, Agatha Fabricante, and Christine Fabro | Case Studies, Mindanao (This is an excerpt from a case study written by the authors for the project, “Violence, Human Rights, and Democracy in the Philippines.” The project is a joint undertaking by the Third...
Politics of Prowess: (Re)animating Violence, Politics, and Democracy in a Philippine Political Frontier
Abstract The political development of Davao indicates a pattern of leadership marked by tough, unconventional, and high-handed authority. Politicians who exhibit this kind of leadership are recognized and voted to power. They utilize coercive forces and offer the...
Database of Drug-Related Deaths
This section details the experience of the researchers in developing the database in counting the dead, as well as the template, coding guide, etc. The files are free to download to promote our advocacy of documenting these violent deaths prone to erasure from the collective memory.
For updates, follow us @DahasPH on Twitter.
Open Access Book
This section shares the edited volume based on the case studies. The book and its chapters are free to download or share to promote our advocacy of sharing the results of evidence-based research to the public. All book chapters will be made available mid-2020.

Special issue
Philippine Journal of Third World Studies
This section features the special issue of Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies which contains the articles written as part of the Violence, Human Rights, and Democracy in the Philippines project. This special issue is available online and is free to download.